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Pre-Submission Information
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science is a fully open-access journal, which means that all published articles are freely available to the public without subscription fees. This model supports wider dissemination and ensures that your research reaches a broad audience, enhancing the impact and visibility of your work.
Fit with Journal Aims and Scope
Before submitting your manuscript, it is crucial to ensure that it aligns with the aims and scope of our journal. We publish original research, reviews, short communications, and case reports that contribute to the fields of nutrition and food science. Manuscripts that fall outside our scope may be returned without review.
Compliance with Ethical and Publication Standards
We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics, and we expect authors to adhere to these standards throughout the submission process. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and we follow COPE’s guidelines to ensure ethical practices in publishing, including issues of authorship, conflicts of interest, and the ethical handling of research data.
Authors must also ensure that their work complies with the guidelines set by the following organizations:
Authors are encouraged to review these guidelines carefully and ensure that their manuscripts meet the required standards before submission. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in delays or rejection of the manuscript.
For more details on the aims and scope of the journal, please refer to our Aims and Scope page.
Ethics in publishing
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science’s Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement is based, in large part, on the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please see:
Duplicate, Concurrent, and Multiple Submissions Policy
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science adheres to the ethical guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), of which we are a member. Authors are required to submit original, unpublished work and must not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently.
For further guidance on concurrent submissions, please refer to the COPE guidelines here.
Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in rejection, retraction, or additional sanctions. We encourage authors to uphold these ethical standards to maintain the integrity of academic publishing.
Each author must provide their ORCID iD at the time of submission to ensure proper attribution and to facilitate the management of author identities. ORCID iDs are unique identifiers that distinguish authors and contribute to the accuracy of academic record-keeping.
Register for an ORCID iD: If you do not already have an ORCID iD, please register to Create Your ORCID iD.
ORCID Registration Guide: For assistance with registering your ORCID iD, please refer to the comprehensive ORCID registration guide.
Cover Letter Submission
A cover letter must accompany each manuscript submission to Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science. The cover letter should highlight why the manuscript is a suitable fit for the journal and specify the type of article being submitted.
Your Cover Letter Should Include the Following Details:
a. Key Details of the Submission:
b. Manuscript Specifications:
Overview of Submission Process
a. Manuscript Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted online through our submission portal. Please ensure that your manuscript is prepared according to our manuscript preparation guidelines before submission. Ensure the checklist mentioned below is covered. The following points must be adhered to during the submission process:
If you encounter any issues with the online submission portal, you can submit your manuscript and the completed copyright form directly via email to Please include “Manuscript Submission” in the subject line of your email to ensure prompt processing.
b. Initial Screening: Once submitted, your manuscript will undergo an initial screening process. This step involves checking whether the manuscript adheres to the journal’s guidelines, including ethical considerations and originality, using plagiarism detection tools. Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria may be desk-rejected at this stage.
c. Peer Review: Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are then sent out for peer review. The review process is double-blind, ensuring the confidentiality of both authors and reviewers. The reviewers evaluate the manuscript’s methodology, data interpretation, novelty, and overall contribution to the field. Typically, this process takes 4-6 weeks, but it may vary depending on reviewer availability and the complexity of the subject matter.
Editorial Decision: After the peer review process, the editorial team will review the peer reviewer’s comments and decide regarding your manuscript. You will be notified of this decision via email. Possible outcomes include:
If revisions are required, you will receive detailed feedback and a deadline for resubmission.
Adherence to the Journals Policies
Plagiarism Policy
By submitting manuscripts to Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, authors attest that their work is original and free from plagiarism. Authors must ensure that all content derived from other sources is appropriately cited and referenced. The journal takes plagiarism seriously and employs stringent measures to detect and address it. As a member of Crossref, we utilize the iThenticate plagiarism detection tool for each submitted article. For more details, please review the Journal’s Plagiarism Policy here.
Correction and Retraction Policy
Corrections are issued when the accuracy of published information is significantly compromised. These corrections are published in a subsequent issue of the journal under the sections “Corrections” and “Addenda.”
Retractions occur when the fundamental conclusions of a paper are seriously undermined. This policy ensures that the integrity of the scientific record is maintained by addressing significant issues that impact the reliability of the research.
Withdrawal Policy
Authors wishing to withdraw a manuscript must submit a formal request to the editorial office, including a signed manuscript withdrawal form and a letter outlining the reasons for the withdrawal.
For India: ₹ 2500
For Other Countries: $120
Authorship Policy
Before publishing: Requests to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, must be sent to the Editor from the corresponding author of the accepted manuscript and must include:
Manuscript Types
We accept the following types of manuscripts for publication in our journal:
Manuscript Preparation
General Formatting
1. Article Title
The title of your manuscript plays a crucial role in conveying the essence of your work to potential readers. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure your title is both informative and engaging:
a. Conciseness and Clarity: Titles should be concise yet informative, clearly reflecting the content of the article. Avoid unnecessary words and ensure the title is straightforward.
b. Avoid Abbreviations and Formulae: Refrain from using abbreviations, acronyms, or formulae in the title unless they are widely recognized and established within the scientific community (e.g., DNA, RNA). This helps to avoid confusion and ensures the title is accessible to a broad audience.
c. Author Names: Provide the full given name(s) and family name(s) of each author. Ensure that the order of authors listed in the manuscript matches the order in the submission system. Double-check all names for accurate spelling to prevent any discrepancies in publication.
d. Affiliations and Correspondence:
e . Avoid Common Pitfalls in Titles
2. Abstract
Your abstract is a critical element of your manuscript, providing a concise and factual summary of your research. It should clearly outline the purpose of your study, the key results, and the major conclusions drawn. To ensure your abstract is effective and accessible, please adhere to the following guidelines:
3. Graphical Abstract
To enhance the visibility and impact of your research, we encourage the submission of a graphical abstract. This visual representation should succinctly summarize the content of your article in a way that is visually appealing and easily digestible. A well-designed graphical abstract can attract a wider audience and make your work more accessible.
Guidelines for Graphical Abstracts:
4. Keywords
For indexing and search purposes, please provide 4 to 8 keywords that accurately represent the content of your manuscript. Keywords should be concise, written in English, and preferably consist of single words. Avoid using phrases that include conjunctions like “and” or prepositions like “of.”
Keywords should be arranged alphabetically with first letter of each word should be capital and each keyword should be separated by “ , ” (Comma) or “ ; ” (semicolon)
5. Introduction
The introduction to your manuscript should be concise and free of subheadings, directly following the keywords section as the next paragraph. It is essential to clearly articulate the objectives of your study, providing readers with a solid understanding of the research’s purpose. While it is important to offer sufficient background information to place your work in context, avoid the temptation to delve into an extensive literature review or a summary of your findings.
Your introduction should guide the reader toward the significance of your study, demonstrating how it addresses a specific gap or builds upon existing research. By connecting relevant published literature to the aims of your investigation, you should clearly state the rationale behind your research, setting the stage for the work presented in the subsequent sections.
6. Materials and Methods
This section should continue seamlessly from the introduction on the same page, providing a detailed account of the materials and methods used in your research. It is crucial to describe your approach in a manner that allows other researchers to replicate your work.
a. Materials: Clearly list all the significant materials used in your study, including specific details about their sources. This information is essential for transparency and reproducibility.
b. Methods:
c. Guidelines for Descriptions:
d. Theory and Calculation:
7. Results
The results section is a crucial part of your manuscript, where you present your findings in a clear and concise manner. This section should immediately follow the materials and methods on the same page, ensuring a seamless flow of information.
a. Clarity and Organization:
b. Presentation of Data:
c. Guidance on Supporting Materials:
By adhering to these guidelines, you will ensure that your results section effectively communicates the key findings of your study, providing a solid foundation for the discussion and conclusions that follow.
8. Discussion
The discussion section is where you interpret the results of your study, explaining how they contribute to the current understanding of the research problem. This section should immediately follow the results and focus on the implications of your findings.
By following these guidelines, your discussion will effectively interpret the significance of your findings and position them within the broader scientific context.
9. Conclusion
The conclusion section is where you summarize the key takeaways from your study, highlighting the principal conclusions drawn from your research. This section serves to distill the essence of your findings and their implications, providing a clear and concise summary for the reader.
10. Acknowledgement
In the acknowledgements section, you should recognize individuals and entities that provided significant assistance during your research. This includes anyone who contributed to language editing, writing, proofreading, or other forms of support. The acknowledgements should be presented as a separate section, positioned immediately before the reference list in your manuscript. Please refrain from including acknowledgements on the title page, as a footnote, or elsewhere in the article. This section should also acknowledge any research teams or organizations that contributed to the completion of your work, ensuring that all support is duly recognized in a dedicated and appropriate manner.
11. Funding Sources
In this section, you should disclose all financial support received for your research, including specific funding sources and grant numbers if applicable. Clearly state any organizations or institutions that provided financial backing for the conduct of the research, the preparation of the manuscript, or the publication of the article. For example, list the funding sources as follows:
“Funding: This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA [grant number zzzz]; and the United States Institute of Peace [grant number aaaa].”
If the funding sources had an active role in the study—such as in the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, writing, or decision to submit the article—this involvement should be clearly disclosed. Conversely, if the funding sources did not participate in these aspects, this should also be stated.
If there were no funding sources for the research, include the following statement:
“The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.”
Alternatively, if no specific grant was received but there was no funding from any public, commercial, or non-profit sector agencies, use this statement:
“This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.”
By providing this information, you ensure transparency regarding the financial support of your research and adhere to standard practices for disclosing funding sources.
12. Conflict of Interest
All authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their research or its presentation. This includes any financial, personal, or other relationships with individuals or organizations that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of the work. Such disclosures ensure transparency and help maintain the integrity of the research process.
If no conflicts of interest are present, the following statement should be included:
“The author(s) do not have any conflict of interest.”
To comply with submission requirements, authors must upload a Word document containing this declaration during the “attach/upload files” step of the submission process. The document should be saved in .doc or .docx format. This ensures that all potential conflicts are clearly documented and available for review.
13. Data Availability Statement
In this section, provide a comprehensive account of the datasets associated with your research. Clearly indicate that all datasets produced or examined during the study are included in the manuscript or are otherwise accessible as part of the publication process. This transparency allows readers and reviewers to verify and build upon your research findings.
If your manuscript does not contain any data or if the study did not involve the generation or examination of datasets, simply state “This statement does not apply to this article” in this section.
Including a Data Availability Statement ensures that your research adheres to best practices for open science and supports the reproducibility and transparency of scientific research.
14. Ethics Statement
For studies involving experiments on humans or animals, it is essential to provide an Ethics Statement to ensure compliance with ethical standards. This section should explicitly mention the name of the authorizing body or ethics committee that approved the study. This information confirms that the research adhered to ethical guidelines and that the welfare of participants or animals was safeguarded throughout the study.
If your research did not involve human or animal subjects, you may state that “This research did not involve human participants, animal subjects, or any material that requires ethical approval”. However, for any research involving such subjects, detailing the authorizing body helps to validate the ethical integrity of your research process.
15. Informed Consent Statement
For research involving experiments on human subjects, your manuscript must include an Informed Consent Statement. This statement should confirm that informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to their involvement in the study. Additionally, it should state that the consent process adhered to the ethical standards and regulations applicable in the country where the research was conducted. Ensuring the privacy rights of human subjects must be a priority, and all personal data must be handled with the utmost confidentiality.
If your research does not involve data from individual human subjects, please state “This study did not involve human participants, and therefore, informed consent was not required.” in this section of the Declarations. This ensures clarity regarding the scope of consent and privacy considerations related to your study.
16. Clinical Trial Registration
For studies involving patients or clinical participants, your manuscript must include a Patient Consent Statement. This statement should confirm that written consent was obtained from all patients prior to their participation in the study. The consent process must comply with the ethical standards and regulations applicable in the research’s country of origin, ensuring that participants were fully informed about the nature of the study and their rights. You may use the following format to mention the statement “This trial is registered at [Name of Registry] with the registration number [Registration Number].”
If your study does not involve direct patient interaction or data, state “This research does not involve any clinical trials.” in this section. This ensures transparency regarding the consent process related to patient participation in your research.
17. Author Contributions
In the Author Contributions section, clearly outline the specific roles and contributions of each author involved in the research. This statement should detail how each author contributed to various aspects of the study, such as conception and design, data collection and analysis, manuscript writing, and overall project management. This transparency ensures that each author’s contribution is appropriately acknowledged and provides clarity on the collaborative effort involved in the research.
For example, you might include statements like:
*In case of a single author if the statement is not provided please use this- “The sole author was responsible for the conceptualization, methodology, data collection, analysis, writing, and final approval of the manuscript.”
If applicable, include specific tasks or roles, such as funding acquisition or supervision, to provide a comprehensive view of each author’s involvement.
18. References
For citing references, please adhere to the AMA (American Medical Association) reference style. References must be numbered consecutively in the order they are first mentioned in the text, rather than listed alphabetically. Each reference should be cited in the text using superscript numbers only, corresponding to the numbered reference list at the end of the manuscript.
In AMA (American Medical Association) style, “et al.” is used when citing a source with more than six authors. The citation should list the first three authors followed by “et al.”
If there are six or fewer authors, you should list all authors’ names.
In-Text Example
Understanding the role of functional foods in health promotion is a key area of research in nutrition.1,2 Whole grains have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.3 Researchers like Brown and Smith,4 emphasize the importance of dietary fiber, while others suggest focusing on phytochemicals.5
Recent findings have indicated that fermented foods improve gut microbiota composition6; however, more longitudinal studies are needed.7-9 Studies by Jackson et al.,10 have also identified potential benefits of probiotics11; these include improved digestion and enhanced immunity.
The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on reducing inflammation has been well-documented.12-15 Some studies,16 have even linked omega-3 intake with improved mental health outcomes, such as reduced symptoms of depression. Another investigation17 suggests that incorporating omega-3-rich foods into daily diets could provide holistic health benefits.
Key Points:
Reference Example:
Article Text Citation (Superscript):
Recent studies have shown the impact of dietary fiber on gut health.¹
Reference (AMA Format):
In this example:
When formatting your references, use the style demonstrated in the example below:
Journal Article (Print):
Godhia M. L., Naik N. Altered Lipid Responses to Dietary Interventions in Obesity. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci Jour. 2015; 3(1): 01-11. DOI:
Ensure that all references are accurate and complete, including the correct author names, journal titles, volume and issue numbers, page ranges, and DOI (if available). Properly formatted references help maintain the integrity and reliability of your research work.
Reference style for different sources:
Citation Type |
Format |
Journal article (print) |
Author(s). Title. Journal. Year; Volume(Issue):Page number(s). |
Journal article (online)1. With URL2. With DOI3. Published ahead of print |
Author(s). Title. Journal. Year; Volume(Issue):Page number(s). URL. Published date. Updated date. Accessed date. Author(s). Title. Journal. Year; Volume(Issue):Page number(s). DOI. Author(s). Title [published online ahead of print date]. Journal. Year; Volume(Issue):Page number(s). DOI. |
Book chapter (print) |
Chapter author(s). Chapter title. In: Book author(s) or editor(s). Book title. Volume number and title. Edition number (do not indicate 1st edition). Place of publication: Publisher; Year:Page number(s). |
Book chapter (online) |
Chapter author(s). Chapter title. In: Book author(s) or editor(s). Book title. Volume number and title. Edition number (do not indicate 1st edition). Place of publication: Publisher; Year:Page number(s). URL. Accessed date. |
Book (print) |
Book author(s) or editor(s). Book title. Volume number and title. Edition number (do not indicate 1 st edition). Place of publication: Publisher; Year. |
Book (print) |
Book author(s) or editor(s). Book title. Volume number and title. Edition number (do not indicate 1 st edition). Place of publication: Publisher; Year. |
Book (online) |
Book author(s) or editor(s). Book title. Volume number and title. Edition number (do not indicate 1 st edition). Place of publication: Publisher; Year. URL. Accessed date. |
Website |
Author(s). Title of item cited. Name of Web site. URL. Published date. Updated date. Accessed date. |
Drug Information Database |
Author(s). Title of entry. In: Title of database [database online]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. URL. Updated date. Accessed date. |
Government/ Organization Reports |
Author(s). Title. Place of publication: Name of issuing organization; Year. Page(s)/ publication/ series numbers. |
Conference Presentations |
Author(s). Title. Poster/Paper presented at: Meeting name; Date(s); Location. |
Conference Presentations (online) |
Author(s). Title. Poster/Paper presented at: Meeting name; Date(s); Location. URL. Accessed date. |
19. Appendix
The Appendix section serves as a repository for supplementary material that supports the content of your manuscript but is not essential to the main text. This section may include additional data, detailed descriptions of complex procedures, extensive tables, or figures that provide further insights into your research. The appendix is particularly useful for including information that would otherwise interrupt the flow of the main article, allowing readers to access detailed content without cluttering the core narrative.
Each item included in the appendix should be clearly labeled (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B) and referenced appropriately in the main text where relevant. Ensure that all materials in the appendix are well-organized and presented in a way that is easy for readers to navigate.
When preparing your appendix, consider whether the information provided is necessary for understanding your research and whether it contributes meaningfully to the overall study. The appendix should enhance the reader’s comprehension of your work without overwhelming them with extraneous details.
20. Abbreviations and Nomenclature
When writing your manuscript, it is essential to ensure that any abbreviations not widely recognized or standard in the field are clearly defined to maintain clarity and professionalism. Introduce these abbreviations by providing their full form in a footnote on the first page of your article. If an abbreviation is necessary within the abstract, define it at its first mention in the abstract and include it in the footnote as well. We advise you to review the use of abbreviations throughout your manuscript before submission to ensure consistency and enhance readability.
In addition to abbreviations, proper biological nomenclature is crucial. The names of plants, animals, and bacteria should be italicized and presented in the correct format, adhering to standard nomenclature rules. Gene symbols should also be italicized, using the approved nomenclature where available. The use of abbreviations should be minimized, with non-standard abbreviations being avoided unless they appear at least four times in the manuscript. When used, they must be defined at their first occurrence in the main text, and it is recommended to provide a list of non-standard abbreviations at the end of the manuscript, just before the acknowledgments. Additionally, equations should be inserted in an editable format using the equation editor, ensuring they are presented clearly and professionally.
21. Tables
When preparing tables for your manuscript, it is essential to adhere to specific formatting guidelines to ensure clarity and consistency throughout your document. All tables should be constructed using the MS Word table format, as this allows for easy editing and standardization during the production process. Tables should be numbered consecutively using numerals and must include a brief, descriptive title that clearly conveys the content of the table.
Each table should be accompanied by units of measurement, which must be abbreviated and placed beneath the column headings. These column headings, or captions, should be in boldface to distinguish them clearly from the table data. Additionally, every table must include a legend to explain the contents, ensuring that readers can fully understand the information presented without needing to refer to the text.
Tables should be concise, ensuring that they do not extend beyond one A4-sized page. If a table is too large, consider splitting it into multiple tables or summarizing the data differently. Tables must be submitted as editable text, not as images, to facilitate easy formatting and editing during the production process.
When placing tables within your manuscript, position them near the relevant text or on separate pages at the end of the document. Each table should be cited in the manuscript text and numbered consecutively according to its appearance. The caption for each table must be placed immediately before the table and should be concise, typically consisting of a single paragraph.
Please include any necessary table notes below the body of the table. Avoid using vertical rules and shading within table cells, as these can complicate the formatting process. Tables should be used sparingly, ensuring that they complement the text and do not duplicate information already presented elsewhere in the article.
If your tables are extensive and cannot fit within a single page, consider publishing them as supplementary material, as large tables cannot be included in the final PDF for formatting reasons. Tables that do not comply with these guidelines may cause delays during the production process, as they will require reformatting to meet the journal’s standards.
Example for table
Heading 1 | Heading 2 | Heading 3 | Heading 4 |
Subheading 1 | Subheading 2 | ||
Data | Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data | Data |
Table 1: Brief title for the table
Guidance for Creating Tables in MS Word
For detailed instructions on preparing tables in Microsoft Word, please use the following guide. This resource provides step-by-step instructions to ensure your tables are well-formatted and comply with our publication standards:
By following this guide, you can ensure that your tables are clear, properly structured, and formatted according to our requirements.
22. Figure and Images
All figures, tables, and images included in your manuscript will be published under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for any use of copyrighted material from external sources, including re-published, adapted, modified, or partial figures and images sourced from the internet.
Image Quality and Placement
Figures and scanned images must be of high quality and should be strategically placed within the article to enhance comprehension. Images should have a minimum resolution of 300 DPI and should be submitted in PSD, TIFF, JPEG, or PNG format. Text within the images should be clear, legible, and appropriately sized to ensure readability.
Numbering and Labeling
All figures should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and must include a brief, descriptive title. When figures consist of multiple panels, each panel should be clearly labeled (e.g., A, B, C, D), but these labels should not overlap with the image content. These labels will be standardized during the typesetting process to match the journal’s style. For graphs, each axis must have a self-explanatory label, including the appropriate units of measurement.
Technical Specifications
Avoid the Following:
Accessibility Considerations
We encourage authors to ensure that the visual elements of their articles are accessible to individuals with visual impairments. To achieve this:
23. Charts
When including charts and graphs in your manuscript, it is important to ensure they are presented in a format that is both editable and easily comprehensible. Here are some detailed guidelines to follow:
By following these guidelines, you contribute to the effective presentation of your data, ensuring that your charts and graphs are both functional and accessible to all readers.
Figure 2: Legend for Figure 2
(Coloured Images are used in the Online Version of the Website)
Figure 2: Legend for Figure 2
(Pattern fill makes the images easier to understand after gray scaling for hard copies)
Guidance for Preparing Charts, Pie Charts, and Graphs
To ensure your charts, pie charts, and graphs meet our publication standards, please refer to the Microsoft guides provided below. These resources offer comprehensive instructions on how to create and format visual data presentations effectively:
These guides will help you produce clear and visually appealing data visualizations that adhere to best practices.
Example 2: Caption for Figure 3
(Coloured Images are used in the Online Version of the Website)
Example 2: Caption for Figure 3
(Pattern fill makes the images easier to understand after gray scaling for hard copies)
Figure Captions
Each image included in your manuscript must be accompanied by a caption that provides a brief yet comprehensive description of the content. The caption should consist of:
Formatting Guidelines
By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure that your figures are well-documented and comprehensible to readers, facilitating a better understanding of your research.
24. Permission to Reproduce Materials from Other Sources
If your manuscript contains any materials such as figures, tables, or text excerpts that have been previously published elsewhere, you must obtain proper written permission from the original copyright holder to reproduce such materials.
Authors should include a statement in the manuscript acknowledging the source of the reproduced material and the permission granted. Please follow the format below:
Authors are responsible for providing the journal with copies of all permission letters at the time of manuscript submission. Failure to obtain permission may result in the removal of such content from your article.
25. Use of AI to Create Written or Visual Content
Authors are prohibited from listing any generative AI technology as a co-author or author of a submitted manuscript, as such technologies cannot meet the criteria required for authorship and cannot be held accountable for all aspects of the manuscript. If an author has utilized written or visual content produced by or edited with generative AI technology, it is their responsibility to ensure that this use complies with all relevant guidelines and policies. Specifically, the author must verify the factual accuracy of any content generated by the AI, including quotes, citations, references, and figures, to ensure they accurately reflect the data presented in the manuscript and are free from plagiarism.
Any use of generative AI technology in the creation or editing of written or visual content must be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript, and, if applicable, in the methods section. This disclosure should include the name, version, model, and source of the AI technology used. Authors are encouraged to upload all input prompts provided to the AI technology, along with the outputs received, as supplementary files for the manuscript.
Proof Corrections
After your article is accepted following successful peer review, it will be published online, and a PDF in the journal format will be prepared. This PDF proof will be emailed to the corresponding author for a final review.
During this proof correction stage, it is crucial that all necessary corrections are thoroughly addressed, as subsequent changes after this communication cannot be guaranteed. The corrections provided will be incorporated into the final published version of your article.
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to a publication, providing a permanent link to its location on the internet. This ensures that your article can always be found and cited correctly, regardless of changes to the journal’s website or other online content. DOIs are allotted to articles at the time of issue release, giving each published work a unique and enduring identifier.
Post Publication Discussion Policy
This journal does not support public commenting on published articles. However, to ensure transparency in the scholarly communication process, we provide the article processing history, which includes the contact emails of the corresponding author, subject editor, and reviewers involved in the review process.
Readers who wish to discuss a published article, seek clarifications, or raise concerns may directly contact the relevant individuals using the provided contact details. For general queries or formal concerns regarding an article, the editorial office can be reached at
Promoting Your Article
After your article is published, you are encouraged to actively promote it across various platforms. Sharing your work on social media, academic networks, and other relevant channels can increase its visibility and impact within the scientific community and beyond. Engaging with these platforms helps to disseminate your research to a wider audience, potentially leading to increased citations and greater influence in your field.
Article Processing Charges
The following Article Processing Charges (APCs) apply:
India: ₹15,000
Foreign: Click here to check the charges
We also offer waivers for authors who may require financial assistance. For more details, please refer to our Waiver Policy.
Before completing the submission of your manuscript, please ensure that the following items are addressed to avoid any delays in the submission process:
1. Corresponding Author:
2. File Preparation:
3. Manuscript Formatting:
4. Tables and Figures:
5. References:
6. Permissions and Copyright:
7. Required Sections:
The manuscript includes the following sections where applicable:
8. Open Access and APC:
For gold open access articles, all authors understand that they are responsible for the payment of the article publishing charge (APC) if the manuscript is accepted. This payment may be covered by the corresponding author’s institution or research funder.
9. Final Review:
10. Submission Process:
Please ensure that all items on this checklist are complete to facilitate a smooth and efficient submission process. Once you have confirmed that everything is in order, proceed to online submission to submit your manuscript.
Contact Information
For any queries related to manuscript submission, review process, or post-acceptance procedures, please contact our editorial office at