
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science - An open access, peer reviewed international journal covering all aspects of Nutrition and Food Science

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Submission Checklist

Submit Manuscript 


1. Read and Prepare:

2. Manuscript Format:

  • Ensure the manuscript conforms to the Sample Manuscript Template.
  • The title should avoid using “&” and other non-standard abbreviations.
  • Author names should conform to the journal’s requirements.

3. Author Information:

  • The corresponding author is marked with an asterisk (*).
  • Affiliations are accurate and complete for all authors.
  • Include ORCID IDs for all authors.

4. Plagiarism Check:

  • Perform a plagiarism check; ensure the similarity index is within acceptable limits.

5. Keywords:

  • Add between 4 and 8 keywords.

6. Tables:

  • Tables are properly numbered and titled.
  • Tables are composed in Word format and are concise (avoid overly lengthy tables).

7. Figures:

  • Figures are properly numbered.
  • Ensure that all photographs used are of academic relevance.
  • Figure quality must be high-resolution (300 DPI) in PSD, TIFF, JPEG, or PNG format.
  • Make sure the figures are clear and not blurry.
  • Text within images should be clear and readable.

8. Citations and References:

  • All sources are appropriately cited within the text.
  • References are cited in the text using superscript format and are sequential.
  • Ensure all references are included in the reference section in proper AMA format.

9. References and Sources:

  • Comprehensive Listing: Ensure that all relevant sources, including peer-reviewed articles, websites, books, and theses, are listed in the References section.
  • Reference Limit: Verify that the number of references exceeds the specified limit.
  • Theses Declaration: If the manuscript refers to theses from a pre-print edition or online repository, declare this in the cover letter and reference them appropriately in the manuscript.

10. Cover Letter:

  • Introduction and Highlights: Include a cover letter with your manuscript introducing your article, highlighting the research’s novelty and key outcomes.
  • Article Details: The cover letter should specifically address:
  • The type of article submitted (e.g., original research article, review, short communication).
  • Details include the total word count of the manuscript (excluding tables and figure legends), the number of references, and the count of tables and/or figures included in the manuscript.

11. Required Sections:
Ensure the following sections are included:

  • Acknowledgment
  • Funding Source (include grant numbers if applicable)
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Authors’ Contributions
  • Data Availability Statement
  • Ethics Approval Statement
  • Informed Consent Statement

12. Language and Editing:

  • Perform language editing to ensure the article is spell-checked and free from grammatical errors.

13. Copyright and Conflict of Interest:

  • The copyright form with the conflict-of-interest declaration is filled and signed by each author.