
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science - An open access, peer reviewed international journal covering all aspects of Nutrition and Food Science

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Revenue Sources

Revenue Sources for Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science (CRNFS)

Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science (CRNFS) operates as a self-financed journal, relying entirely on its own revenue streams to support its operations. The journal is not funded by any external agencies, academic institutions, or governmental bodies. Below is a detailed explanation of the journal’s revenue sources and how they contribute to its sustainability:

1. Article Processing Charges (APCs)

The primary source of revenue for CRNFS is the Article Processing Charges (APCs). These charges are levied on authors upon the acceptance of their manuscripts for publication. The APC model ensures that all published articles are freely accessible to readers worldwide, adhering to the journal’s commitment to open access.

  • Sliding Scale Model: CRNFS follows a sliding scale model for APCs, offering reduced rates for authors from low and middle-income countries. This approach ensures inclusivity and supports researchers from economically disadvantaged regions in disseminating their work.

2. Order Print Issue

While the journal provides free access to its online content, it offers printed issues for purchase. Libraries, academic institutions, and individuals who prefer the print format can obtain annual copies, contributing to the journal’s operational support.