
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science - An open access, peer reviewed international journal covering all aspects of Nutrition and Food Science

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Special Issue Guidelines

Special Issues (SIs) comprise a series of articles that explore a particular theme, curated by Guest Editors who are experts in the field. Each submission undergoes a rigorous peer review to ensure the highest quality and relevance. Upon acceptance, the articles are identified as part of a Special Issue and can be accessed as a distinct collection. 

Why Publish in a Special Issue?

Publishing in a Special Issue offers numerous perks for authors. One significant advantage is greater discoverability, as articles are grouped by theme, making it easier for researchers to find relevant work. The organized structure also ensures ease of navigation for readers exploring specific topics. Special Issues often receive external promotion, enhancing the visibility of your research. All submissions undergo rigorous peer-review, ensuring the highest standards of quality and credibility. Furthermore, contributing to a Special Issue allows you to expand your research network by connecting with other experts and scholars in your field. 

Perks of Serving as a Guest Editor for a Special Issue

  • Recognition and Visibility: Guest Editors will be prominently featured on the journal’s website and in the special issue.
  • Certificate of Appreciation: Guest Editors will receive a formal certificate acknowledging their valuable contribution.
  • Waived APC: Guest Editors are granted the opportunity to publish one article without any Article Processing Charges (APC).
  • Social Media Promotion: The editor’s role and contributions will be highlighted and promoted on the journal’s social media platforms. 

Scope of the special issue

We invite our readers and contributors to propose special issues that highlight current trends in the following subject areas:

  • Plant-Based Diets and Meat Alternatives
  • Functional Foods with Added Health Benefits
  • Gut Health and Probiotics
  • Personalized Nutrition and DNA-Based Diets
  • Low-carb and Ketogenic Diets
  • Intermittent Fasting and Time-Restricted Eating
  • Food as Medicine
  • Mindful and Intuitive Eating
  • Artificial Intelligence in Nutrition Research

We welcome additional proposals for special issues on any other trending topics in food science that align with the journal’s scope. If you have a cutting-edge topic in mind, we encourage you to submit your suggestion for consideration.

Please ensure that the special issue aligns with the journal’s Scope. (linked to aims and scope)


Special Issue Proposal Request

We encourage our readers to submit proposals on topics within the journal’s scope. Our internal editors will review your submission and respond promptly. Please fill out the form below to submit your special issue proposal. 

Special Issue Proposal Request Form   (a tab linked to the form) 

Personal details (all the fields should be mandatory)

Name                                                                          Last Name


Contact number




Special issue details (all the fields should be mandatory)

Topic of the special issue

Scope (should contain a drop-down menu of the journal’s scope)

About (a briefing of the special issue proposed)

Number of articles

Description  (Please briefly describe the topic and areas this special issue intends to cover. It should be concise, covering the main focus and scope of the special issue within 150-200 words.)


Suggestions for Guest Editor 

  1. Name Last Name



Contact number


Research Interests


  1. Name Last Name



Contact number


Research Interests


If there are any issues with submitting the special issue request form please send your request to

In case of any issue or queries regarding the Special Issue, please call +91 9826093932