
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science - An open access, peer reviewed international journal covering all aspects of Nutrition and Food Science

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Dr. Angelo Maria Giuffrè

Dr. Angelo Maria Giuffrè

Angelo Maria Giuffrè is currently an Associate Professor at University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria, Department AG.R.A.R.I.A. (AGricoltura, Risorse forestali, Ambiente, Risorse zootecniche, Ingegneria agraria, Alimenti), Reggio Calabria, Italy.

He is a graduate of the University of Reggio Calabria, Faculty of Agraria, Reggio Calabria, Italy, where he received his Ph.D. degree in Food Biotechnologies.

Since 1992 he published over 150 publications, including papers in the leading international peer-review journals and SCOPUS indexed journals, and he has presented papers on international and national conferences. Over 150 Researchers co-authored his published papers and he published over 30 papers as the only author.

His main research field is related to Food products, Food Technologies, Food Science and Food Analysis. He is a member of the Italian Food Science and Technologies Society (S.I.S.T.AL., Società Italiana di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari), Associate Editor, and an Editorial Board member in international journals. He served as a guest editor in Foods (MDPI), Agriculture (MDPI), Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, as well as a reviewer in over 100 scientific international journals.

Keywords: Olive oil; Seed oil; Essential oil; Citrus fruit; Citrus juice; Juice fruit; Antioxidants; Bakery products.