Cakes are popular and frequently consumed by almost all levels of society for their desirable sensory properties and convenience. They differentiate mainly by their porous structure and high moisture content from the commonly consumed baked products such as bread, biscuits, etc. Muffins belong to the greasy cakes group rather than foam-type cakes and prepared as individual-sized portions that are smaller than cakes with no need to cut into slices. They are obtained by preparing a batter from wheat flour, sugar, oil, egg, milk and aroma products 1, 2. The current market trend for muffins is increasing in parallel to the interest in customizable bakery, though consumers highly expect affordable and healthier options at the same time.
Overall cake quality is mostly related to volume besides a flexible, smooth and soft texture 3. Moreover, generally cakes enable the corporation of different ingredients into their formulations4 when one or more sources of dietary fibres are added5-9.Attempts for use of dietary fibre in food products have both health and nutrition standpoints10. Dietary fibres are composed of various complex compounds such as polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, lignins found in plants that cannot be digested like other nutrients. Recent studies revealed that certain diseases defined as “diseases of the civilization (constipation, haemorrhoids, large bowel cancer, obesity)” were related to the lack of dietary fibre consumption. . Moreover, dietary fibre has been proven to be effective on myocardial infarction, fatal coronary heart disease, some types of cancer, weight gain, diabetes, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome 11.
Although different dietary fibres have been used in numerous studies, use of different dietary fibres as combinations was only investigated in products such as extruded breakfast products12and psyllium, oat flour and inulin in pasta13, 14. Oat (Avena sativa) is a very common cereal having positive health effects on serum cholesterol such as attenuation of blood glucose with its soluble fibre β-glucan. Oat flour and/or fibre has been used in numerous studies as a dietary fibre source for cakes or muffins15-18. Quinoa is a pseudocereal having high nutritional value with higher amounts of vitamins and minerals in comparison to most cereals, protein (13–14%) and dietary fibre17. It has been used commonly in bakery products and particularly gluten-free formulations 19-22. Although it has distinct advantages in terms of its nutritional properties, the use of quinoa flour in combination with oat flour has been proposed as a method for improving functionality 17. Dateseeds although slightly differing among different date varieties, is richer in protein and fat in comparison to date flesh, being also a very rich source of dietary fibre (73.1 g/100 g), phenolics and antioxidants 23. In a previous study, wheat flour has been substituted by date seed flour and date seed hydrolysates in muffin formulations and physicochemical effects have been investigated5.
Although some studies evaluated the effects of individual uses of different types of fibres in muffins 15, 16, 38, 39, the studies on the combined soluble and insoluble fibre usage is limited, Therefore, this study aims to fill in the gap in literature by evaluating either individual or combined usage of different uncommon such as date seed flour, quinoa flour and oat bran flours with dietary fibre in muffins by emphasizing the changes in their quality.
Materials and Methods
The Preparation of Muffins
Date seed flour, oat bran, and quinoa are used as different sources of dietary fibres. Fibres were used as flour substitutes (10%, w/w) and used both single and dual combinations. Muffin preparation was made according to the method by Ambigaipal and Shahidi (2015). Milk, sugar, eggs, oil and baking powder (purchased from a local market in Istanbul, Turkey) were mixed and baked in baking cups with a diameter of 10 cm and each of the muffin samples weighed about 35 g before baking. For each formulation, a total of3muffins were baked and the production was performed twice. Wheat flour (Sinangil Flour, Turkey), Oat (Ada Sultan, Turkey), quinoa (Dimyat Gold, Turkey) were obtained from a local market and quinoa was in a laboratory mill (IKA Gmbh, Germany)to pass through 214 μm sieve as flour. The details of muffin formulations are given in Tables 1.a and 1.b.
Baked cakes were cooled down to room temperature and then stored in zipped plastic bags and a portion of ground samples were stored at -18ºC until analysis.
Table 1(a): Muffin Formulations.
Ingredients | Control muffin | Muffins with %10 substitution |
Wheat flour (g) | 65 | 58.5 |
Substitution source (g) | – | 6.5 |
Sugar (g) | 37.5 | 37.5 |
Baking powder (g) | 3 | 3 |
Milk (ml) | 60 | 60 |
Sunflower (ml) | 20 | 20 |
Eggs (ml) | 50 | 50 |
Table 1(b): Muffin Sample Combinations.
Control | D | Q | O | DQ | DO | QO | |
Wheat flour | 100% | 90% | 90% | 90% | 90% | 90% | 90% |
Date seed flour | – | 10% | – | – | 5% | 5% | – |
Quinoa flour | – | – | 10% | – | 5% | – | 5% |
Oat bran flour | – | – | – | 10% | – | 5% | 5% |
Proximate Analyses
Total moisture, ash and protein determination tests were performed using AOAC methods 925.10, 923.03 and 920.87, respectively 25.
Total Dietary Fibre
Total amount of dietary fibre was measured using the total Dietary Fibre Assay Kit (TDF-100; Sigma-Aldrich, USA) based on AOAC Method 960.52 enzymatic-gravimetric method.
Muffin Quality Evaluation
Muffins were left for about 1.5 hours at room conditions for cooling after baking and then total volume was measured by the rapeseed displacement method number 10-05 of AACC International 26. Specific volumes were calculated by diving the muffin volume values to their weight (ml/g). Weight loss in muffins was measured using the below formula;
Wi is the muffin batter weight before baking (g), whereas WF is the final weight of the muffin sample after cooling.
Top height of the muffins were measured with a calliper, in mm.
Texture Profile Analysis (TPA)
TPA of the muffins (cut from the centre ) were measured using the texture analyser (Stable Micro Systems TA-XT Plus, Godalming, Surrey, UK) with the aluminium cylinder probe (35 mm in diameter) and parameters of 50 N maximum load, 55 mm/minutes of pre-test speed and test speed of 120 mm/min. (2 mm/s) and 25% compression ratio, according to the AACC Method Number 74-09 Hardness (N), were from the Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) graph. Measurements were made on the day after baking in two replicates.
Colour density (L*, a*, b*) measurements were made using Chromameter (CR-400, Konica Minolta Holdings Inc., Tokyo, Japan) in cakes in slices of 2.5 cm width. All measurements were made at three different points.) Colour change was calculated using the following formula.
In the equation Lo, ao and bo values belong to the control muffin and were taken as reference values.
Statistical Analysis
Differences among muffin formulations using the factors of fibre sources (3 types) and their condition of combination (2 types) were assessed by One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the SPSS statistics software (version 10.0) at 95% level of significance. Further post-hoc tests were conducted using the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test and Pearson correlation coefficients between characteristics (p<0.01 and p<0.05) were calculated using the same software.
Results and Discussion
Proximate Analyses of Raw Materials
Compositions of flours used as raw materials in the study were given in Table 2.
Total moisture and ash contents of flours with dietary fibre differed between 6.2 and 8.6% and 1.09-3.23 %, respectively. Dietary fibre constituents were different for all samples. Although soluble fibre contents are quite similar in flour samples, insoluble fibre content and total fibre content changed as follows: date seed flour>oat bran flour>quinoa>wheat flour. Date seeds have been reported to have high dietary fibre content by different researchers such as 73.1g/100g23 or 76.58 g/100 g dry weight 27similar to the present results. The insoluble fibre content has also been reported as 67.26 g/100 g dry weight previously27. has been shown to have 8.1% moisture and 13.5 % protein contents, previously 28. Different wheat flour sources (wheat flour, cake flour, multi-purpose flour, whole grain wheat flour etc.) have been used in cake, cupcake and muffin studies. According to these sources present wheat flour was similar to the previous reports in literature with the moisture and ash37 or had slightly lower moisture and higher protein (wheat flour moisture 14%, protein 9.8%) 8. Cake flour used in another study17 has 0.65% ash and 13.5% moisture. Oat bran proximate composition has been reported to be affected by the variety, cultivation conditions and extent of the milling process applied during the processing, change from 15%–18% for protein and 10%–40% total dietary fibers41. While total fibre content is parallel to previous findings (24.4%), total protein content in present study (10.4%) seemed to be lower than the previous literature and thought to be affected by the dry milling conditions of the oat bran.
Table 2: Proximate Analyses of Ingredients.
Ingredients | Total moisture, % | Total ash, % (d.b.) | Total protein, % (d.b.) | Soluble fibre % | Insoluble fibre % | Total fibre % |
Wheat flour | 8.6±0.2a | 1.09±0.01b | 11.1±1.2b | 3.8±0.7ab | 0.5±0.0d | 4.3±0.4c |
Date seed flour | 6.2±0.3b | 1.58±0.02b | 9.2±0.6ab | 1.3±0.0b | 69.8±2.4a | 71.1±2.2a |
Oat bran flour | 7.2±0.2ab | 3.23±0.00a | 10.4±1.3ab | 5.0±1.1a | 19.3±1.2b | 24.4±1.0b |
Quinoa flour | 8 | 1.62±0.02b | 13.5±1.5a | 3.5±0.8ab | 3.8±0.9c | 7.3±0.7c |
Values in the table represent mean values and standard deviation of 2 replicates
Different letters in each column shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the samples (p< 0.05)
Proximate Composition of Muffin Samples
Proximate composition of muffin samples were given in Table 3. Dietary fibres affected the moisture contents of muffin samples significantly (28.2-31.2%) (p<0.05). Only Q samples had similar moisture levels with control samples while DQ samples were slightly higher in the moisture measured (p<0.05). Remaining muffin samples had significantly lower levels of moisture (p<0.05). According to literature, addition of date flour 5 and cocoa fibre31 had a slightly increasing effect on moisture in comparison to control muffins. Quinoa flour and whole oat flour also have been reported to have a moderately high level of water absorption properties 17. In cookies with quinoa and chia flour, in contrast, moisture levels were lower than control samples and this was suggested to be related with the higher moisture retention capacity by quinoa and chia flour 22.
Table 3: Proximate Analyses of Muffin Samples.
Samples | Moisture content, % | Ash content, % (d.b.) | Protein content, % (d.b.) | % (d.b.) |
Control | 30.5 ±0.0 | 1.10±0.01a | 13.53±0.15a | 1.2±0.0c |
D | 29.2±0.3c | 1.25±0.35a | 8.12±0.01e | 6.9±1.5b |
Q | 30.2±0.3b | 1.50±0.01a | 1.1±0.1c | |
O | 29.2±0.3c | 1.73±0.18a | 7.4±0.7b | |
DQ | 31.2±0.3a | 1.50±0.01a | 10.22±0.71c | 10.4±1.2a |
DO | 28.2±0.3d | 1.63±0.18a | 9.32±0.13d | 7.2±0.1b |
QO | 28.5±0.0d | 1.38±0.18a | 13.38±0.25a | 6.8±0.7b |
Values in the table represent mean values and standard deviation of 2 replicates
Different letters in each column shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the samples (p< 0.05).
Difference among the ash contents of the muffin samples was statistically insignificant as neither individual nor combined addition of fibre sources had a significant effect on the ash contents (p>0.05). In literature, ash contents have been reported to be increased with date flour addition into muffin samples, ranging from 1.12% to1.15% (d.b.) depending on the level of substitution level of wheat flour (2.5 or 5%)5.
Among the measured protein contents of the samples (changing from 8.12% to 13.53%) differing significantly (p<0.05), only QO samples had the protein content as high as the control sample. In parallel to present results, research have revealed that combination of two or more food materials (eg. cereals and legumes) increased nutritional properties of the final food products40.
Dietary fibre contents of the muffin samples increased significantly after use of different fibre sources, in comparison to control (p<0.05), the only exception was quinoa flour. The measured amount of fibre changed from 1.2 % in control samples to 10.4% in DQ samples. Combined use of fibre sources gave slightly higher fibre contents than their individual usages.
Previous literature revealed that, fibre sources with high insoluble fibre contents ended up with a higher dietary fibre content in the end product when they were used either with in gluten-free formulations 24. This also supported our results as the highest fibre contents were measured in muffin combinations comprising date seed flour (DQ and DO). These results might be related with the highest amount of insoluble fibre content it has, among all ingredients. Changes observed in the measured fibre from the fibre containing flour as raw ingredient to muffin samples, might be related with the effect of heat, as it has been reported as a factor that might change soluble to insoluble fibre ratio and also the measured total dietary fibre content. Particularly, observed increase in fibre content is attributed to the formation of fibre-protein complexes that are heat resistant and are collected as fibre 29.
Quality of Muffin Samples
Overall quality parameters of the muffin samples were depicted in Table 4. Weight or weight loss measurements of the samples were not significantly different than each other (p>0.05), this findings were in parallel to the literature findings which found no differences in weight measurements in different fibres incorporated cakes 30.Weight loss is generally related with the water loss of cake systems. Therefore, the dietary fibre sources acted as successful water loss barriers for the muffins. Volumes of muffin samples decreased significantly (p<0.05) for all samples except for QO after fibre source addition.
Table 4: Muffin Quality Properties.
Samples | Weight loss% | Weight (g) | Height (mm) | Volume (ml) | Specific volume (ml/g) |
D | 10.36±0.27a | 31.4±0.1a | 18.6±0.7a | 75.3±0.4bc | 2.40±0.01ab |
Q | 8.71±0.51a | 32.0±0.2a | 14.2±1.2cd | 63.8±1.1cd | 2.00±0.01b |
O | 10.31±1.29a | 31.4±0.4a | 14.5±0.1cd | 61.0±1.4d | 1.94±0.03b |
DQ | 10.11±1.37a | 31.5±0.5a | 17.4±0.6ab | 66.5±5.5cd | 2.11±0.03b |
DO | 7.97±0.71a | 32.2±0.3a | 13.6±1.4d | 67.8±0.4cd | 2.10±0.02b |
QO | 8.17±0.34a | 32.1±0.1a | 13.8±1.1d | 84.5±2.1ab | 2.63±0.01a |
Control | 9.41±0.50a | 31.7±0.2a | 15.8±0.3bc | 91.3±0.3a | 2.88±0.01a |
Control: Control muffin, no flour substitution; D: 10% date seed flour substitution; Q: 10% substitution with quinoa flour, O: 10% substitution with oat bran flour; DQ: 5% date seed flour and 5% quinoa flour substitution; DO: 5% date seed flour and 5% oat bran flour substitution: QO: 5% quinoa flour and 5% oat bran flour substitution
Different letters in each column in same colour shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the samples (p> 0.05).
In literature similar various trends have been investigated after fibre addition 9, 16.
Generally, fibre addition has also been reported as a factor to decrease the volumes in cakes and explained generally as a disorganization of starch-gluten network 31. It is known that during baking, expansion of air bubbles entrapped in the batter matrix due to the temperature increase and chemical leavening is the basic mechanism under the measured cake volume. Moreover, coalescence, protein denaturation, and starch gelatinization also affects cake structure 24. In contrast, there are some findings that found oat fibre addition improved the volumes of layer cakes 30. Therefore type of fibre is a significant factor for volume measurements16. Differences in muffin formulations have been reported to be more effective on muffin volume and density due to the increase in batter viscosity and high water binding capacity of fibres, while muffin diameter and weight loss were less affected8. Oat fibre is a source of insoluble fibres that contained cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. In another study, gluten-free layer cakes, the highest cake volume was obtained when the inulin and oat used in combination and it has been suggested that the collapsed structure may have been strengthened by the oat flour 24. Therefore, similar effect was seen in QO samples, to sustain a better volume in comparison to all other treatments to give similar volume properties to control muffins. The specific volume mainly has been proposed to be related with the extent swelling of the muffin dough 32.
Specific volumes of the muffins changed significantly between 1.94 and 2.88 ml/g) (p<0.05). Only in QO and D samples, specific volume was measured as being similar to that of control samples. Quinoa flour substitutions have been shown to increase the specific volumes / volumes of gluten-free bread samples, in previous studies19, 20. Volume and specific volume measurements correlated very well (0.938) (shown in Table 5) as the weight differences are insignificant, similar to previous studies 30. According to another study, specific volume values similar to control samples were measured only in lower level of (5%) pea and oat fibre incorporated cake samples 15. In some literature sources dietary fibre addition has been interrelated with the increased softness in cake crumbs to result in a negative correlation with the specific volume, by dietary allowing more amount of water into the cake structure 8. However, this finding was not detected in this present study.
The height of the muffin samples changed between 13.6 and 18.6 mm. The maximum height was measured in dateseed added muffin (D). Quinoa and oat flour seemed to make a decreasing effect on the muffing heights. The height of the muffins significantly correlated negatively with hardness (-0.757) and chewiness (-0.809). In literature the height of the muffins is a significant indicator to depict thew muffin quality and generally fibre usage has been reported to affect the dough structure, by causing a decrease in level of CO2 retention38. having a negative influence on CO2 retention.
Textural parameters of muffin samples are shown in Table 5. Hardness of muffin samples changed between 0.6 and 2.9 N, difference among them being significant (p<0.05). The hardest sample was QO sample (2.9 N). Increase in hardness after fibre source incorporation to cakes is in parallel to the previous findings using oat fibre in literature 24. Previously, increase in hardness has been linked to the differences in the water binding capacities of fibre sources used. For example, if the water binding capacity of the fibre is high, wheat flour could not find the necessary amount of water to develop the gluten-protein network, and therefore the product becomes rigid to give higher hardness 15, 33.
Table 5: Muffin TPA.
Samples | Hardness (N) | Springiness | Cohesiveness | Chewiness (N) | Resilience |
D | 0.6±0.0d | 1.04±0.04b | 0.84±0.02a | 0.77±0.20c | 0.48±0.01ab |
Q | 1.3±0.2b | 2.36±0.44a | 0.85±0.02a | 1.94±0.20ab | 0.49±0.02a |
O | 1.1±0.1bc | 2.51±0.05a | 0.82±0.01ab | 2.36±0.18a | 0.47±0.01abc |
DQ | 0.6±0.1d | 2.40±0.28a | 0.81±0.05ab | 0.61±0.21c | 0.44±0.04bc |
DO | 2.6±0.4a | 0.97±0.03b | 0.78±0.03b | 1.93±0.24ab | 0.43±0.03c |
QO | 2.9±0.3a | 1.18±0.26b | 0.78±0.01b | 2.12±0.05ab | 0.44±0.01bc |
Control | 0.7±0.1cd | 2.28±0.39a | 0.85±0.02a | 1.49±0.06b | 0.49±0.01a |
Control: Control muffin, no flour substitution; D: 10% date seed flour substitution; Q: 10% substitution with quinoa flour, O: 10% substitution with oat bran flour; DQ: 5%date seed flour and 5% quinoa flour substitution; DO: 5%date seed flour and 5% oat bran flour substitution: QO: 5%quinoa flour and 5%oat bran flour substitution
Values in the table represent mean values and standard deviation of 2 replicates
Different letters in each column shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the samples (p< 0.05).
Interestingly, increased hardness was not evident for D and DQ samples andtheir hardness levels (0.6 N) were not significantly different from the control sample (0.7 N) (p>0.05).This effect may be explained with these fibre sources allowing more free water to be available in the muffins6. D samples had also statistically similar specific volume values with control samples. Parallel trend between specific volume and hardness was evident in previous studies, as well 15. Almost all samples (except DO and QO) had been statistically similar to control muffins for cohesiveness. This attribute was also positive, since generally the low cohesiveness has been attributed to the crumbling property 28. For DQ muffins, specific volumes were slightly lower, although their higher moisture in comparison to all other samples, might be related with their lower hardness.
Generally, increase in hardness and cohesiveness together with decreased resilience has been reported 24, 34. In the present study, hardness was found to correlate significantly with cohesiveness (-0,691) and chewiness (0.634) (p<0.01) (correlation data given in Table 6). However, no significant correlation was detected between hardness and resilience (p>0.01). Only for those samples that are significantly harder and less resilient (DO and QO), a statistically significant decrease in cohesiveness was evident. It has been reported that this decrease might be linked to the loss of intermolecular interaction among ingredients35. Dateseed flour and oat bran flour have the highest amount of insoluble fibre contents, therefore their use in combination might have been effective on those properties as these have been mainly attributed to the insoluble fibre in previous studies24. Chewiness is not primary, but a secondary texture parameter measuring the extent of difficulty in chewing and it is generally parallel to hardness. Resilience and springiness are significant parameters for muffin quality to depict the degree to which the sample recovers after compression34.
DQ sample were the best combination of fibres among muffins, with statistically no change in hardness, cohesiveness and springiness. In addition, those samples were significantly less chewy in comparison to control samples.
Correlation Coefficients between the Quality Parameters of Muffin Samples.
Table 6: Correlation Coefficients between the Quality Parameters of Muffin Samples.
Height | Hardness | Spring. | Cohes. | Chew. | Resil. | Volume | Weight loss | Specific Volume | |
Height | 1.000 | ||||||||
Hardness | -0.757** | 1.000 | |||||||
Spring. | 0.085 | -0.555* | 1.000 | ||||||
Cohes. | 0.343 | -0.691** | 0.676** | 1.000 | |||||
Chew. | -0.809** | 0.634** | 0.173 | 0.007 | 1.000 | ||||
Resil. | 0.173 | -0.509* | 0.658** | 0.935** | 0.151 | 1.000 | |||
Volume | -0.019 | 0.205 | -0.358 | -0.269 | -0.307 | -0.278 | 1.000 | ||
Weight loss | 0.575* | -0.639* | 0.170 | 0.283 | -0.403 | 0.008 | -0.071 | 1.000 | |
Specific Volume | 0.109 | -0.218 | -0.122 | -0.312 | -0.067 | 0.938** | -0.060 | 1.000 |
Spring: Springiness; Cohes: Cohesiveness; Chew: Chewiness; Resil: Resilience
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Crust colour measurements of samples (taking the control sample (C) as reference) are summarized in Table 7.
Table 7: Colour Measurements of Muffin Samples.
Sample | ∆E-Crust | b*-Crust | a*-Crust | L*-Crust | ∆E-Crumb | b*-Crumb | a*-Crumb | L*-Crumb |
D | 16.3±1.9a | 10.1±1.7c | 14.6±0.7c | 46.0±1.0c | 27.0±0.6a | 13.7±0.4b | 11.1±0.3a | 49.0±0.6b |
Q | 4.8±1.2c | 26.5±0.4a | 18.0±0.9ab | 57.5±1.2a | 4.9±0.9d | 23.6±1.3a | 2.2±0.2b | 67.7±0.8a |
O | 2.6±0.5cd | 24.7±0.5a | 17.1±0.8abc | 53.3±2.5ab | 11.2±2.0c | 18.9±0.8ab | 3.7±0.2b | 62.3±2.1a |
DQ | 10.7±0.1b | 14.9±0.8bc | 15.7±0.1bc | 48.9±0.2bc | 20.3±1.0b | 15.8±0.5b | 8.9±0.2a | 54.9±1.0ab |
DO | 12.9±0.2ab | 13.1±0.3c | 14.6±1.3c | 47.9±1.1c | 32.0±0.9a | 9.6±0.6bc | 9.0±0.2a | 44.3±0.7b |
QO | 3.0±0.6cd | 21.5±3.3ab | 17.9±2ab | 54.0±1.4a | 14.6±1.6c | 21.5±0.3ab | 4.4±0.2b | 58.2±1.6ab |
Control | 0±0 | 24.0±0.3a | 18.5±1a | 57.6±1.1a | 0±0 | 23.1±0.6a | 1.6±0.0b | 72.4±0.7a |
Control: Control muffin, no flour substitution; D: 10% date seed flour substitution; Q: 10% substitution with quinoa flour, O: 10% substitution with oat bran flour; DQ: 5% date seed flour and 5% quinoa flour substitution; DO: 5% date seed flour and 5% oat bran flour substitution: QO: 5% quinoa flour and 5% oat bran flour substitution
Different letters in each column in same colour shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the samples (p> 0.05).
Crust colour parameters of muffin samples differ significantly (p<0.05). in bakery products is mostly affected by the Maillard reactions, but dietary fibre substitutions are not at that extend to affect quantity of sugars and amino acids. However, possible colour changes were proposed to be related with the changes in pH, where fibre was acting as a buffer that changes the water availability to give those reactions 30. In the crust, lightness (L*) value was significantly lower than the control samples, only in dateseed flour incorporated sample (D, DO and DQ), even at lower levels of substitution (5%) as used in fibre combination treatments. Redness parameter (a*) was also significantly different for only date seed flour substituted samples. Significant change in colour parameters of muffins after date seed flour incorporation was also stated by the previous studies 5, 36. Q, O and QO muffins were statistically similar to control samples in yellowness (b*) (p>0.05). Dateseed flour on the other hand, decreased the yellowness significantly either individual or in pairs (p<0.05). In Q, O and QO samples, total colour change was very low in comparison to D containing samples. The original colour of the fibre source has a significant effect on the colour of cereal product produced 8, 34, 36. In crumb, the colour differences are more profound. Similar to the crust, incorporation of dateseed flour darkened the crumb colours significantly with decreased L* values (p<0.05) and increased the redness and decreased yellowness. As expected, then effect of fibre sources in the crumb more easily noticed when compared to the crust since the effect of high temperature and caramelization more limited in the crumb8.
In conclusion, as usage of some different fibre sources in combination (date seed and quinoa flour substituted samples, DQ), gave better results for muffin quality; combined usage of different fibre sources might suggested as an efficient way to overcome the disadvantages of dietary fibre sources on muffin quality. Future studies might focus on further possible fibre combinations and physicochemical properties in detail.
No acknowledgements to declare.
Funding Sources
Hamzacebi made the experiments of this study during her food engineering master studies at Istanbul Aydin University Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology. The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Conflict of Interest
Authors state no conflict of interest for the study.
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