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The Efficacy of the Gluten-free Case in-free Diet for Moroccan Autistic Children

Afaf Hafid*, Ahmed Omar Touhami Ahami

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Laboratory of Biology and Health, Unit of Clinic and Cognitive Neurosciences and Health, Ibn Tofail University, BP 190, Kenitra, Morocco.

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Article Publishing History

Received: 26-07-2018

Accepted: 26-09-2018

Published Online: 27-11-2018

Plagiarism Check: Yes

Reviewed by: Dr. Harmanjot Kaur (India)

Final Approval by: Prof. Min-Hsiung Pan

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The aims of this study are to verify the efficiency of gluten-free casein-free diet for children with autism spectrum disorder and to evaluate its impact on their nutritional profiles.30 children with autism spectrum disorder, between 6 and 12 years old, had been identified for the study. An analysis of biological matrixes was performed to detect the level of urinary peptides and essential elements. A gluten-free casein-free diet was administered for children with high urinary peptides level during one year, quarterly followed-up. The scale of autism was assessed by the “Childhood Autism Rating Scale” questionnaire. The findings, before the gluten-free casein-free diet, show that 20 children had high levels of urinary peptides and unnatural essential elements concentrations. At the end of the sixth diet month, the results show a large decrease in essential elements concentrations for the majority of children. After identifying these deficiencies, the diet was modified and fortified in a way that made it a supervised diet. We could, then, decrease the urinary peptides level for 40% of children, improve essential elements concentrations for 30% and decrease the autism severity for 30% of them. Our study has shown that only autistic children that present both very high urinary peptide and gastrointestinal problems respond positively to a gluten-free casein-free diet. This type of died should not therefore be systematic administered to all autistic children. On the other hand, the elimination diets run risk of having deficiencies which makes the supervision of a specialist required.


Autism Spectrum Disorder; Casein-free; Casomorphin; Gluten-Free; Gliadomorphin; Restrictive Diet

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Hafid A, Ahami A. O. T. The Efficacy of the Gluten-free Case in-free Diet for Moroccan Autistic Children. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci 2018;6(3).


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects cerebral functions.1 It’s a challenging disorder that pushes the parents to follow the long diagnosis process, to accept the particularity of their children and to start the most promising interventions as earlier as they can.

One of the approaches that have aroused the interest of many parents, and more recently of some researchers, is the gluten-free and casein-free diet.2,3,4,5 Some authors hypothesized that the elimination of gluten and casein from the diet of children with ASD could lead to an improvement in their behavior.6,7,8 Their proposed diet called gluten-free and casein-free, is based on the theory of opioid excess.9 Other researchers have argued, however, that the gluten-free diet gave no evidence of its efficacy and it entails risks of nutritional deficiencies for children.10

In Morocco, to our knowledge, no study of the effect of nutrition on children with ASD has been published so far and the limited studies done on this subject worldwide yielded contradictory results. In order to contribute to understanding of this problem, we propose to carry out an experimental survey which aims to verify the effectiveness of a gluten-free casein-free diet on children with ASD and to evaluate the impact of this diet on their nutritional profiles.

Material and Methods

Sampling Method

This study was conducted in the child psychiatry department of the ERRAZI University Hospital in Sale, Morocco. The ERRAZI Hospital is a public Institution and its child psychiatry department deals with children suffering from neurobehavioral deficiencies. Our study is based on a sample of 30 children that are 6 to 12 years old and were diagnosed with ASD. The consent of the parents has been obtained beforehand, and all children included in the study were declared in good physical health and did not need any medical therapy during the period of the study.


The state of ASD was assessed by the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), the psychological test was administered by the attending physician and the psychomotor therapist, The CARS consists of 14 domains assessing behaviors associated with ASD, with a 15th domain rating general impressions of ASD. Each domain is scored on a scale ranging from one to four; higher scores are associated with a higher level of impairment. Total scores can range from a low of 15 to a high of 60; scores below 30 indicate that the individual is in the non-autistic range, scores between 30 and 36.5 indicate mild to moderate autism, and scores from 37 to 60 indicate severe autism.11

An analysis of the biological matrixes (blood, urine) was carried out at the beginning of the study, after 6 months and after 12 months. It includes analysis of the following: Urinary peptides (namely casomorphin which comes from milk and its derivatives, and gliadomorphin which comes from products rich in gluten) and essential elements (iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium).

The raw concentrations of essential elements were measured in (μg / g). Creatinine is determined by the use of high performance chromatography.

A gluten-free casein-free diet was then prescribed only for children with high urinary peptide levels (20 out of 30) for a period of one year with a quarterly follow-up. The diet giving was under the supervision of a specialist physician and a nutritionist.


Analyzes of peptide before the gluten-free casein-free diet revealed that only 10 subjects presented normal levels of casomorphin and gliadomorphin; respectively less than 0.56 (P/C ratio) and 0.58 (P/C ratio). This means that 20 children out of 30 have elevated urinary peptide levels, i.e. 66% of the study population.

The results of one year of gluten-free casein-free diet shows that although, there has been a very remarkable decrease in casomorphin and gliadomorphin concentrations for the whole sample only 8 children presented values exactly in the norms(figure1)

Figure 1

Figure 1: Urinary peptides levels before and after the diet 

Click here to View figure


Before the Diet

The Majority of Children of the Sample Present an Abnormal Level of Essential Elements

8 of them have a calcium deficiency with values below 350 μg/g, 8 have a low magnesium level which is less than 35 μg/g, 10 have a hemoglobin level of less than 70 μg/g and for zinc 4 children have values below the norm which is less than 130 μg/g.

After Six Months of Diet

The Results Indicate a Large Decrease in Essential Elements Concentrations for the Majority of Children

The number of children presenting a deficiency increased from 8 to 12 for calcium, from 8 to 10 for magnesium, from10 to 16 for iron and 4 to 6 for zinc. After identifying these deficiencies, the diet was modified and fortified in a way that made it a supervised diet that meets both the expectations of our study (gluten-free casein diet) and the nutritional needs of each child.

After 6 months of the supervised diet, and with a regular follow-up every 3 months, we note that there is a remarkable improvement on the nutritional status of our sample: 9 out of 12 children no longer suffer from calcium deficiency, 6 out of 10 do not have a deficiency in magnesium any more, 12 out of 16 are no longer anemic and the fortified diet has corrected the problem of Zinc for 4 in 6 children.

Table 1: Quarterly Monitoring of Raw Essential Elements Before and After Administration of Gluten-Free Casein

Before the diet After six months of diet After six months of monitored diet
S*1 287 19 65 103 225 21 52 89 336 26 85 125
S2 645 91 70 221 304 88 61 220 919 121 104 241
S3 798 86 63 121 765 59 51 107 1060 76 61 131
S4 293 28 57 97 264 27 49 57 568 34 89 73
S5 495 58 97 102 189 47 95 275 854 98 156 267
S6 259 102 103 298 385 95 64 197 786 106 132 301
S7 589 31 56 206 289 28 49 187 653 66 65 243
S8 743 65 136 157 385 33 119 201 950 103 136 160
S9 234 135 89 206 198 120 61 160 495 165 120 201
S10 1132 21 53 287 812 17 59 250 1630 78 74 289
S11 168 16 71 160 131 18 62 153 204 36 95 168
S12 546 45 59 135 265 39 49 123 367 45 103 142
S13 958 22 61 158 756 14 56 140 846 21 90 149
S14 256 68 36 196 195 51 31 190 351 52 54 217
S15 1002 95 99 201 824 96 69 212 856 102 86 216
S16 638 30 126 138 497 24 105 109 528 41 121 142
S17 94 35 41 141 90 31 35 139 124 52 101 147
S18 745 83 145 186 627 80 116 185 702 82 115 202
S19 101 11 39 130 89 12 33 118 350 28 60 138
20 425 107 86 154 232 101 68 141 395 132 83 151

*E.E= Essential elements                  *R= Reference range                            *S= Subject

Table 2 presents the results that the CARS test revealed before, during and after our diet. The scores after 3 months of the diet were not satisfactory enough, yet a decrease was remarkable from the 6th month of the monitored diet in almost the entire sample. At the end of the 12th month, the decrease was more significant in 12 subjects (Subject: 1; 3; 5; 8; 13; 15; 18 and 20).

Table 2: CARS Scale Scores Before, During and After Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet

   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20 
Before the diet  54 35 48 34 41 35 33 51 37 34 57 49 52 39 42 58 50 45 39 49
After 3month of diet  53 36 47 35 41 34 34 50 37 33 56 48 50 38 41 58 50 43 38 45
After 6month of diet  46 34 40 34 37 33 33 45 36 33 56 48 41 38 38 57 49 44 39 43
After 12month of diet 40 35 35 34 35 34 33 41 37 34 56 49 34 39 31 58 51 35 38 38

-Scores between 30 and 36.5: mild to moderate autism

-Scores from 37 to 60 indicate severe autism


As stated above, our study was conducted on a group of children with ASD in order to verify the efficacy of the casein-free gluten-free diet in children with ASD and to evaluate the impact of this diet on their nutritional profiles. Before presenting the results of this study and discussing them in light of these previous works, we propose to describe the problems that this study encountered. These problems are linked to the fact that Morocco is a country that follows a Mediterranean diet where wheat and dairy products are kings, and where the prices of substitute products existing in the market (gluten-free bread, gluten-free pasta, soy milk …) are relatively expensive and very difficult to cook with. The non-vigilance of parents or caregivers and especially the difficulty of forcing a child with ASD to abandon his eating habits farther complicate the task of administering a gluten-free and casein-free diet.Before the onset of the diet, urine peptide analyzes of the subjects indicate that 20 out of 30 children had high levels of casomorphin and gliadomorphin in their urines (figure 1), i.e. 66% of our sample. This is in accordance with previous works that reported abnormally high concentrations of casomorphin and gliadomorphin in urines of children with ASD.12,13,14 In fact, casomorphin and gliadomorphin are very toxic substances that come from the incomplete digestion of a milk protein (casein); and a cereal protein (gluten) and children with ASD tend to mis-assimilate casein and gluten. During digestion, these proteins release peptides opioids that reach the brain in a form similar to that of morphine, thus causing similar behavioral problems in these children such as isolation, and unusual distress [15 and references there in]. Blood Analysis before starting the diet indicates that the majority of children have a deficiency in Calcium, Magnesium and Iron (table 1). This is in agreement with previous studies about children with ASD’s nutrition that show low levels of vitamins D and calcium16  and with other ones that show poor absorption of proteins, and vitamin B12 and iron deficiencies.17,18 Research has shown that children with ASD suffer from several deficiencies that result from several factors, such as restricted diets, very limited food selection, or aversion to a certain food or texture.19,20 In order to explain the very low concentrations of essential elements observed the children of our study, we conducted an oral survey with their parents who reported that, indeed their children were very selective in their eating habits. After 6 months of a gluten-free and casein-free restrictive diet, essential elements analyze showed a remarkable aggravation of the deficiency in calcium, magnesium and iron in the majority of children (Table 1).  After 6 months the restrictive diet, 8 children (out of 20 e.g. 40%) showed a mild behavioral improvement (Table 2). After 12 months, this improvement became significant for these 8 children.  Of the 12 children that did not show an improvement in both periods, 4 continued to show elevated urinary peptides which strongly suggests that they were not following the prescribed dietary change (figure 1).  Our results are corroborated by previous works done on groups of autistic children, who have followed the gluten-free casein-free diet for 2 years, and which report many behavioral improvements; especially in the interest that these children manifest towards other persons, in their non-verbal communication and in their creativity and anxiety.21,22 However, other studies suggested that these diets have no efficacy and are not recommended and that the simultaneous exclusion of two major food groups from the diet could have an adverse effect on the health of children with ASD.23,24 This is in line with the aggravation of the essential elements deficiency that we noticed in our sample after 6 months of the diet. However, in our case, we could correct for all children the aggravation of the deficiency in essential elements that was observed during the first 6 month of the casein-free gluten-free diet by enriching this diet by minerals, vitamins, and omega 6 and 3 fatty acids. After 6 months of this fortified casein-free gluten-free diet we observed an improvement in the behavior of 8 children (Table 2) and a correction of essential elements deficiency for all the children (Table 1).Parents of the 4 children that showed an improvement in their behavior after taking a gluten-free casein-free diet during 12 months have reported the presence of bloating and stomach aches in these children before taking the diet. In our opinion, this may be related to gluten intolerance or casein intolerance or both. Research has shown some children with ASD suffer from gastric disorders related to allergies to gluten or to lactose.25 It is also known that pain can cause behavioral problems. So if a child with ASD is allergic to gluten, he may have behavioral problems or deficits of attention or concentration. In this case the gluten-free diet will eliminate the suffering and consequently improve the behavior of the child. We can thus conclude that only children with gluten intolerance or casein intolerance or both respond positively to a gluten-free casein-free diet.As stated above there are two schools of taught in the relationship between the gluten-free casein-free diet and ASD. The first school suggest that the administration of this type of diet to autistic children has indeed resulted in a remarkable improvement in their behavior21, 22 and the second school think that this type of diet has no efficacy at all and is not recommended because it has an adverse effect on the health of children owing to the Essential elements deficiency that it causes.23,24 Our results partially corroborate both schools. As discussed above, these results showed that the gluten-free casein-free diet can indeed causes a deficiency in essential elements but it also can result in a remarkable improvement of the behavior of some autistic children. Since a nutritional correction for this deficiency is possible, we can have the positive aspects of both sides by administering a gluten-free casein-free diet that is enriched for the deficient essential elements.


Our study has shown that only autistic children that present both very high urinary peptides and gastrointestinal problems respond positively to a gluten-free casein-free diet. This type of died should not therefore be systematic administered to all autistic children. It should be reserved for children showing both of these symptoms. Intolerance analyzes should thus be considered mandatory before selecting patient to whom a gluten-free casein-free diet can be administered. The introduction of a restrictive diet always involves a risk of nutritional deficiency and thus a risk for the growth of the child. However, if such a diet is a must, the potential nutritional consequences require careful monitoring of the surveyed children by qualified physicians and nutritionists.


Special thanks to the child psychiatry department of the ERRAZI University Hospital in Salé, Morocco and target population’s parents.

Ethical Clearance

This study was approved by the Internal Ethics Committee of Faculty of Science; Kenitra, Morocco.


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