Kefir is a fermented dairy product that has its origin in the Caucasian mountains of Russia many centuries ago1. It has been widely consumed in Russia and central Asia countries for centuries. Nowadays an increase in kefir consumption in many European countries, Japan and the United States has been reported due to its unique sensory properties and its benefits in health, including antibacterial activity2, enhanced immune function3, antitumoral activity4 and hypocholesterolemic effects5. This fermented milk product results from the action of different microorganisms present in kefir grains in milk6. Kefir grains are whitish or yellowish, irregular granules about the size of a walnut or in some cases, wheat grains. They are insoluble in water and ordinary solvents. Immersed in milk, kefir grains swell and turn white and initiate the dual lactic acid and alcohol fermentation. Various lactic acid bacteria and yeasts have been identified in kefir grains, including Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus kefir, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Kluyveromyces lactis, Kluyveromyces marxianus, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae7. The lactic acid bacteria and the yeasts are combined with casein and complex sugars in a polysaccharide matrix. The principal polyssacharide is a water soluble substance known as ‘kefiran’. Several homofermentative lactobacillus species including Lb. kefiranofaciens and Lb. kefir8 produce this polysaccharide. Kefir has a smooth creamy texture, mild acidic taste due to the presence of lactic acid, mild effervescence due to carbon dioxide, and a low concentration of ethanol produced by yeasts present in the grains. Minor components can also be found, including acetoin, diacetyl, acetaldehyde, and amino acids contributing to the flavour composition9.
Viscum album L. is a common epiphytic parasite plant, also known as the European mistletoe. The plant is widely distributed in Europe, northwest Africa, southwest and central Asia. It is known for its potential anticancer10, antihypertensive11, antidiabetic12, antioxidant13, antimicrobial14 and antiviral15 activity. In some countries, especially in Germany, many Viscum album preparations, applied mainly in unconventional cancer therapy, are available16. Abies alba is the host of Viscum album and their synergy enhance the above properties17,18.
The object of the present study was to assess the effect of the addition of two concentrations of an alcoholic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of kefir during storage.
Materials and Methods
Production of the alcoholic extract
The alcoholic extract resulted from the mixture of leaves and shoots from Viscum album and Abies alba with ethanol in proportion of 1:1:1. The mixture was left at 4°C for one month, filtered and added into the kefir just after manufacture at two concentrations, a small (15μl/100g) and a high (30μl/100g) one corresponding to kefir A and B respectively.
Production of kefir
In this study control kefir was manufactured using homogenized cow’s milk. Τhe composition of milk was fat 1.68%, lactose 4.87%, total solids 10.49%, protein 3.42%. The milk was boiled at 90oC for 1 min and left to cool at 33-35oC. The DVS freeze-dried mixed mesophilic and thermophilic kefir culture, consisting of Debaryomyces hansenii, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis, Leuconostoc and Streptococcus thermophilus (eXact KEFIR 1; Hansen’s, Denmark) was added to the milk (10U/100L milk) and the milk was incubated at 33οC until pH decreased to 4.5. Kefir curd was broken using soft agitation and it was cooled at 4οC by transferring it to cold storage. Kefir was, then, added into glass containers and it was stored at refrigerator temperatures for 20 days.
Physicochemical and microbial analyses
A pH-meter (Micro pH 2001; Crison, Barcelona, Spain) was used to take pH readings. The titratable acidity of kefir was measured using the Dornic method19 and the fat content using the Gerber method20. Total solids (TS) were determined according to IDF Standard No 421 and ash content according to IDF Standard No 2722. Total N was measured using the Kjeldahl method23. Ethanol content was determined by distillation24. Total bacterial counts were measured using Bactoscan FC (Foss Electric, Denmark).
Colour Measurement
Colour examination of kefir was performed using a Hunter Lab DP-9000 (Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc., USA) colourimeter. The L*, a*, and b* colour parameters were determined according to the CIELAB colour space, i.e. L* corresponds to light/dark chromaticity (changing from 0% dark to 100% light), a* to green/red chromaticity (changing from −60% green to 60% red), and b* to blue/yellow chromaticity (changing from −60% blue to 60% yellow). The instrument was calibrated with a black and a white tile before the measurements.
Sensory evaluation of kefir
Kefir samples were subjected to sensory evaluation after 1, 10 and 20 days of storage at 3 oC by a five-member trained panel familiar with dairy products, as described in IDF Standard 99A25. Panel members evaluated kefir for appearance and colour, body and texture and flavour using a five-point scale, with 1 being poor, 2 fair, 3 good, 4 very good, and 5 excellent. Panel members were also instructed to report any defects in appearance and colour (e.g. wheying-off, unnatural colour, lack of uniformity, surface discolouration), body and texture (lumpy or granular, slimy, gelatinous, too thin, etc) or flavour (excess acid, yeasty, unclean, etc).
Statistical Analysis
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) using 95% confidence intervals was run on each of the physicochemical and microbiological variables to disclose possible differences among the samples for the two factors «percentage of added alcoholic extract» and «storage time». All analyses were performed using the software STATGRAPHICS Plus for Windows v.5.2 (1995, Manugistics, Inc, Rockville, MD, USA). The least significant difference of the data is reported (P<0.05).
Result and Discussion
Microbial and physicochemical analyses
Figure 1 depicts the changes in the microorganism populations during storage of the kefir. In all sampling days, Total Viable Counts (TVC) did not differ significantly (P>0.05) in the control kefir (K) and in kefir made with the two alcoholic extracts (KA, KB). In the beginning of storage (day 1), the microbial counts ranged between 4.90 and 5.10 cfu/g x 107. Similar results were reported by other researchers26,27,28,29,30 but lower levels were recorded by Koroleva31. TVC levels decreased significantly (P<0.05) until day 10 of storage and thereafter they levelled off and held steady (P>0.05) until day 20. This pattern of behaviour was observed for all kefir samples i.e., made using the 0 μl/100g (control, K), 15μl/100g (KA) and the 30μl/100g (KB) ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba. At the end of storage TVC levels ranged between 2.40-2.55 cfu/g x 107 (Figure 1).
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Figure 1: Changes of Total Viable Counts (TVC) of kefir samples made using different amounts of ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba during storage K: Kefir without an ethanolic extract (control), KA: Kefir with 15μl/100g ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba, KB: Kefir with 30μl/100g ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba. Click here to View figure |
Table 1 presents the values of the main physicochemical parameters of the kefir samples made using the two concentrations of the ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba, during storage. The pH of kefir decreased and the values of the titratable acidity (TA) increased during storage due to the lactose breakdown by the lactic acid bacteria. The same trend was also observed in other fermented milks like yoghurt32,33. The pH and TA values found in this study are considered to be in the acceptable range of a commercial yogurt. According to Chamber34, the appropriate range of pH for a commercially available yogurt is between 3.27 and 4.53, and the value of TA is in the range of 0.7% and 1.20%.
Fat, total solids, protein and ash content of control (K), kefir A and kefir B did not differ significantly during storage (P>0.05). Also, the milk from which the kefir was made had almost the same content (P>0.05) of the above parameters. This finding was consistent with reports by other researchers who observed that the physicochemical composition of fermented milks was the same as that of the source milk35,36,37.
Changes in the ethanol concentration of kefir during storage are also shown in Table 1. The alcohol concentration of all samples decreased significantly (P<0.05) during the storage period and kefir B made with the high concentration (30μl/100g) of ethanol extract of Viscum album and Abies alba showed as expected, the highest concentration of ethanol. General, according to Farnworth38, kefir has a low concentration of ethanol because of the action of yeast cells present in the kefir grains.
The results of this study showed that the addition of the alcoholic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba in the kefir did not influence significantly (P>0.05) the pH and TA values as well as the fat, total solids, protein and ash contents at all sampling days (Table 1).
Table 1: Changes in physicochemical values in kefir samples made using different amounts of ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba during storage
Age (Days) |
Type of kefir |
pH |
acidity, oD |
fat, % |
total solids, % |
protein % |
ash, % |
ethanol (v/w) |
1 | KKAKB | 4.59±0.03 aΑ4.64±0.01 aΑ4.63±0.10 aΑ | 0.85±0.03 aΑ0.80±0.02 aΑ0.80±0.05 aΑ | 1.83±0.14 aΑ1.76±0.22 aΑ1.85±0.13 aΑ | 10.25±0.3 aΑ9.8±0.77 aΑ9.97±0.57 aΑ | 3.88±0.09 aΑ3.75±0.2 aΑ3.97±0.03 aΑ | 0.72±0.03 aΑ0.76±0.03 aΑ0.75±0.01 aΑ | 0.4±0.0 aΑ0.4±0.0 aΑ0.5±0.1 aΑ |
10 | KKAKB | 4.45±0.01 aΑΒ4.43±0.02 aΑΒ4.42±0.04 aΑΒ | 0.92±0.02 aΑΒ0.89±0.04 aΑΒ0.9±0.00 aΑΒ | 2.07±0.03 aΑ2.02±0.04 aΑ2.08±0.04 aΑ | 11.03±0.23 aΑ10.92±0.16 aΑ11.17±0.15 aΑ | 4.08±0.08 aΑ4.01±0.09 aΑ4.12±0.06 aΑ | 0.71±0.02 aΑ0.73±0.03 aΑ0.73±0.03 aΑ | 0.2±0.1 aΒ0.2±0.0 abΒ0.3±0.0 bΒ |
20 | KKAKB | 4.33±0.08 aΒ4.28±0.04 aΒ4.23±0.02 aΒ | 1.02±0.02 aΒ0.95±0.01 aΒ0.95±0.04 aΒ | 1.85±0.16 aΑ1.82±0.09 aΑ1.86±0.15 aΑ | 9.91±0.50 aΑ9.86±0.61 aΑ9.95±0.43 aΑ | 3.81±0.16 aΑ3.68±0.31 aΑ3.82±0.15 aΑ | 0.73±0.00 aΑ0.73±0.01 aΑ0.73±0.01 aΑ | 0.2±0.0 aΒ0.2±0.0 aΒ0.3±0.0 bΒ |
Data are means of three cheese making trials± standard error. K: Kefir without an ethanolic extract (control), KA: Kefir with 15μl/100g ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba, KB: Kefir with 30μl/100g ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba.
a-b: Values in the same row and at the same age, with different letters, differ significantly (LSD test, P<0.05).
A-C: Values in the same row and for the same type of kefir, with different letters, differ significantly (LSD test, P<0.05).
Colour measurement of kefir
Colour is an important quality parameter, which along with flavour affect consumers; preference. Concerning colour parameters (Table 2), the addition of the alcoholic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba did not significantly (P>0.05) affected the kefir samples except at day 20, in which K kefir showed higher values than the kefir B, for the colour parameter L*, looking lighter. Kefir A colour L* values ranged in intermediate levels. Therefore, in general, all kefir samples showed the same luminous (parameter L*) and yellow (parameter b*) – green (parameter a*) colour.
The storage time affected, in general, the colour parameter a* (Table 2). At day 10, all kefir samples showed lower values than the respected values in days 1 and 20.
Table 2: Changes in colour measurements in kefir samples made using different amounts of ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba during storage
Age (Days) | Type of kefir | Colour parameter -L* | Colour parameter -a* | Colour parameter -b* |
1 | KKAKB | 94.85±0.81 aΑ94.40±0.34 aΑ94.47±0.05 aΑ | -4.73±0.07 aΑ-4.72±0.11 aΑ-4.80±0.47 aΑ | 4.98±0.25 aΑ4.97±0.17 aΑ4.96±0.07 aΑ |
10 | KKAKB | 97.13±2.32 aΑ93.10±0.56 aΑ92.09±0.67 aΒ | -7.50±0.28 aΒ-8.15±0.24 aΒ-8.45±0.29 aΒ | 3.67±0.24 aA3.71±0.19 aΑ3.32±0.49 aΑ |
20 | KKAKB | 94.13±0.15 aΑ93.68±0.08 abΑ93.54±0.14 bA | -5.41±0.99 aΑΒ-5.58±0.74 aΑ-5.54±0.77 aΑ | 4.53±0.40 aΑ4.18±0.51 aΑ3.59±0.81 aΑ |
Data are means of three cheese making trials± standard error. K: Kefir without an ethanolic extract (control), KA: Kefir with 15μl/100g ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba, KB: Kefir with 30μl/100g ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba.
a-b: Values in the same row and at the same age, with different letters, differ significantly (LSD test, P<0.05).
A-C: Values in the same row and for the same type of kefir, with different letters, differ significantly (LSD test, P<0.05).
Sensory evaluation of kefir
Table 3 shows the results of the sensory analysis of the kefir samples produced with or without the addition of the ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba. All kefir samples showed good acceptability until the end of storage (20th day). Katsiari et al. (2002)33, also, concluded that storage did not significantly affect the sensory attributes of yoghurt samples. Opposite results were observed by Kilic et al.27 who found that the scores of all the sensory attributes decreased significantly with time and concluded that kefir kept under refrigeration should be eaten within 3 days of manufacture.
Control kefir (K) and kefir A were very much appreciated by the panellists. The addition of the plant extract did not affect appearance and body and texture of fermented milk product but the addition of the high concentration of Viscum album and Abies alba ethanolic extract into kefir B resulted in significantly lower flavor scores than the control and Kefir A (Table 3).The panellists noticed rather foreign flavour in kefir B compared to the control and kefir A.
Table 3: Organoleptic evaluation of kefir samples made using different amounts of ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba during storage
Age (Days) | Type of kefir | Appearance | Texture | Taste |
1 | KKAKB | 4.75±0.15 aΑ4.89±0.09 aΑ4.80±0.1 aΑ | 4.6±0.00 aΑ4.7±0.00 aΑ4.58±0.12 aΑ | 4.65±0.05 aΑ4.68±0.02 aΑ4.16±0.1 bA |
10 | KKAKB | 4.83±0.03 aΑ4.86±0.00 aΑ4.83±0.03 aΑ | 4.75±0.11 aΑ4.83±0.03 aΒ4.83±0.03 aΑ | 4.67±0.09 aΑ4.77±0.01 aΒ4.33±0.01 bA |
20 | KKAKB | 4.57±0.19 aΑ4.73±0.05 aΑ4.73±0.05 aΑ | 4.53±0.15 aΑ4.68±0.00 aΑ4.66±0.08 aΑ | 4.4±0.16 aΑ4.59±0.01 aC4.38±0.08 aΑ |
Data are means of three cheese making trials± standard error. K: Kefir without an ethanolic extract (control), KA: Kefir with 15μl/100g ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba, KB: Kefir with 30μl/100g ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba.
a-b: Values in the same row and at the same age, with different letters, differ significantly (LSD test, P<0.05).
A-C: Values in the same row and for the same type of kefir, with different letters, differ significantly (LSD test, P<0.05).
Kefir is a traditional product and its consumption is beneficial to human health. On the other hand, there appear more and more scientific reports on the possibilities of cancer therapy using mistletoe. The use of a small (15μl/100g) concentration of an ethanolic extract of Viscum album and Abies alba in kefir production did not alter its physicochemical and sensorial characteristics and kefir containing this extract was very much accepted by the consumers. However, further studies are needed for in vitro and in vivo experiments to assess its potential use as nutraceutical product.
This research project was funded under the Project “Research & Technology Development Innovation Projects”-AgroETAK, MIS 453350, in the framework of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development”. It is co-funded by the European Social Fund through the National Strategic Reference Framework (Research Funding Program 2007-2013) coordinated by the Hellenic Agricultural Organization-DEMETER.
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