Article Processing Flow
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We invite submissions from researchers and academics in the fields of nutrition and food science. Each submission undergoes a comprehensive peer review process, ensuring that only high-quality, impactful research is published. By following the guidelines outlined below, authors can ensure a smooth submission experience, from initial manuscript review to the final publication stage.
1. Online Submission
Authors are required to submit their manuscripts through our online submission system. The submission must include the following documents:
- Manuscript (in Word format, following journal guidelines)
- Copyright and Licensing Agreement (signed by all authors)
- Conflict of Interest Declaration
- Cover Letter (outlining the significance of the research and confirming originality)
Upon submission, the system generates an acknowledgment email to the corresponding author.
2. Initial Screening (Editorial Office Check)
The editorial office conducts a preliminary check to ensure:
- Scope Check: The manuscript aligns with the journal’s aims and scope.
- Technical Check: Completeness (title, abstract, keywords, references, figures, tables).
- Plagiarism Check: Conducted using iThenticate or similar software.
- Quality and Authenticity: Assessed for originality, clarity, and adherence to ethical guidelines.
- Compliance to Journal Formatting: Checked for adherence to journal-specific formatting and citation style.
Decision Outcomes:
- Desk Rejection: If the manuscript is out of scope, of poor quality, or has high plagiarism.
- Proceed to Peer Review: Sent to the subject editor for review assignment. As part of our double-blind peer review process, the editorial assistant facilitates the review by forwarding the manuscript to reviewers. Once the review reports are received, they are sent to the author for major or minor revisions. In the final recommendation stage, the revised manuscript and review reports are submitted to the subject editor for evaluation. Throughout the process, the editorial assistant manages all communication between the author, reviewers, and editor.
3. Peer Review Process (Double-Blind Review)
- Assignment of Reviewers: The subject editor assigns at least two independent reviewers.
- Reviewers Evaluate: Assess manuscript originality, methodology, results, and conclusions.
- Review Reports Submitted: Detailed comments and recommendations are provided.
- Confidentiality Maintained: Reviewer identities remain confidential until the article is published.
Decision Outcomes Based on Review Reports:
- Reject Unconditionally: The manuscript does not meet publication standards.
- Accept Unconditionally: Minor or no changes required.
- Major Revision Required: Authors must address significant issues and resubmit.
- Minor Revision Required: Authors make minor improvements and resubmit.
4. Revision Process
For Major or Minor Revisions:
- Authors submit a revised manuscript along with a detailed response to reviewers’ comments.
- The revised manuscript is re-evaluated by the editor and, if necessary, sent back to reviewers.
Final Decision After Revision:
- If reviewers are satisfied, the manuscript moves to final acceptance.
- If concerns remain, further revisions or rejection may be recommended.
5. Final Editorial Decision
The subject editor reviews all reports and makes a final recommendation.
Final Decision Outcomes:
- Accept for Publication (moves to pre-publication stage).
- Reject (manuscript does not meet journal standards, even after revision).
6. Pre-Publication Process
- Billing Process: If applicable, authors are notified of article processing charges (APCs).
- Copyediting & Proofreading: The editorial team performs language and format checks.
- Proof Sent to Authors: Authors review the final PDF and provide corrections.
- Final Approval by Editor: Ensures all corrections are incorporated.
7. Publication & Indexing
- DOI Assignment: A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is generated.
- Online Publication: HTML and PDF versions are made available. Our journal does not publish reviewer reports.
- Indexing & Archiving: Articles are indexed in databases (Scopus, Web of Science, etc.).
8. Post-Publication & Promotion
- Article Sharing: Authors receive links for sharing.
- Social Media & Press Release: Articles are promoted via social media, newsletters, and press releases.
- Post-Publication Corrections: Authors may submit corrections or errata if errors are identified post-publication.
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