Kristina Habschied1, Hrvoje August2, Krešimir Mastanjević1*
, Gordana Šimić3, Alojzije Lalić3, Vinko Krstanović1
1Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, F. Kuhača 18, Osijek, Croatia.
2IREKS AROMA d.o.o., Trešnjevka 24, Jastrebarsko, Croatia.
3Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, Osijek, Croatia.
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The aim of this paper was to assess the technological quality of three novel Croatian spring barley varieties and lines intended for brewing and distilling. Two tested lines Osk.5.45/2-15 and Osk.5.33/23-15 and one variety Pivarac were developed at the Agricultural Institute Osijek, while the used control sample was the recognised whisky barley variety Grace. The quality of starting barley and final malts were assessed. The results indicate that the tested varieties/lines of spring barley have the potential to become recognised as whisky malt varieties. In order to confirm the obtained results, further monitoring should be employed during the statistically relevant period. The tested quality values the OSK.5.33/23-15 has shown were the closest to the recommended values for whisky malts. In all tested varieties β-glucans content should be reduced which would consequently improve the F/C extract difference and friability values and increase the fermentability and extract yield during fermentation.
Spring Barley Varieties; Whisky Malt; Technological Quality