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Physicochemical and Technological Properties of the Starch from Corn (Zea mays) Variety P-7928

Ivan Gonzalez-Gongora1, Arnulfo Taron-Dunoyer2, Somaris Elena Quintana-Martinez3and Luis Alberto Garcia-Zapateiro3*

1Department, Institute of Pharmacy and Food, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba.

2Department of Food Science, Faculty of Engineering. Research Group on Biotechnology, Food and Education (GIBAE). University of Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

3Research Group of Complex Fluid Engineering and Food Rheology, University of Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Corresponding Author E-mail: lgarciaz@unicartagena.edu.co


Starch is the main chemical component of corn grain (Zea mays) grain with values between 72% and 85%. The physicochemical and technological properties of corn starch are closely related to its variety and structure. The objective of this research was then to characterize and analyze the physicochemical properties of starch obtained from corn var. P-7928. The degree of hydrolysis of native and gelatinized starch was calculated. The water holding capacity (WHC) was evaluated in 2% starch suspensions heated to 60, 70, 80, and 90 ° C. The water solubility index was determined by gravimetry. Starch from corn var. P-7928 has a syneresis of 45% in 15 days; the degree of hydrolysis was 21% and that of the gelatinized starch was 98%. The maximum WHC was 50% at a temperature of 90°C and the water solubility index was 20 at 60°C. According to the results found, the starch of this variety has good properties compared to commercial starches on the market, making this variety a potential candidate for the obtaining of starch.


Corn var. P-7928; Starch; Technological properties; Solubility; Water holding capacity

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