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Nutritional contribution of Trans-Himalayan Cabbage and Cauliflower in Consumers’ Diet

Avantika Avantika1,2*and Narendra Singh1

1DRDO-Defence Institute of High-Altitude Research (DIHAR), Leh, Ladakh UT, India.

2Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Corresponding Author E-mail: avantika13593@gmail.com


The research investigates the nutritional contribution of Trans-Himalayan cabbage and cauliflower to the diet of residents in Ladakh, an Indian region with extreme climatic conditions. Given the region's limited arable land and harsh environment, local vegetable production is vital for meeting the nutritional needs of its population, including a significant number of army personnel and tourists. The study analyzed cabbage and cauliflower from Suru, Nubra and Indus valleys of Ladakh situated at varying altitudes. Proximate and mineral analyses were performed on samples to assess their nutritional profiles. Results revealed that cabbage and cauliflower from Suru Valley had significantly higher (p<0.05) carbohydrate levels (50.6±0.8 and 47.3±2.6 g/100g dry weight respectively). Cabbage and cauliflower from Indus Valley had higher protein content (19.7±0.4 and 19.8±0.7 g/100g dry weight respectively). As per EDI, cauliflower contribution to dietary fiber content is higher than cabbage (p<0.001). It was also found that the cauliflowers were rich in Fe as compared to cabbage and cabbage were richer in Ni concentration. Both crops were estimated to be rich in minerals as per nutrition contribution%, especially manganese (cabbage - 36.3±0.6% and cauliflower - 24.7±7.3%), potassium (cabbage - 22.3±3.0% and cauliflower - 22.7±3.5%) and nickel (cabbage - 139.3±18.0% and cauliflower - 68.9±1.2%) as contribution was >19%. Hence, it can be stated that Ladakh grown crops are nutritionally enriched. This study underscores the potential of locally grown Brassicaceae crops to enhance dietary quality and reduce reliance on imported vegetables, thus supporting both nutritional health and local agriculture in Ladakh.


Brassicaceae; Estimated Dietary Intake; Nutritional Contribution; Proximate; Trans-Himalayas

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