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Effects of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii(Dangeard) Proteins Extracts on Storage Stability of Freshwater Shrimp Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan)

Ke Ying Su1,3, Qian Li1,3, Yi Yang Zhong1, Xue Wu Zhang2 and Lai Hoong Cheng3*

1College of Engineering, Guangzhou College of Technology and Business,  Guangzhou, China.

2College of Food Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China.

 3Food Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.

Corresponding Author Email: lhcheng@usm.my


In this study, the extraction of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard (C. reinhardtii) protein was optimized through response surface methodology. The optimal extractions parameters were 0.091 mol/L sodium chloride concentration, 31.02 mL/g liquid to solid ratio, a homogenization frequency of 10.17 times per second, and a homogenization time of 12.82 minutes. The optimized protein extraction yield was 52.78%. The C. reinhardtii protein extract at different concentrations (0.1-0.5%) was used to dip-coat East Asian river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense De Haan). Over a 4-day storage period, the pH value and total viable counts (TVC) of the prawn samples were determined every 24 hours. Results showed that a 0.2% C. reinhardtii protein extract effectively delayed increases in pH and TVC of the prawn samples, suggesting that C. reinhardtii protein extract could be a promising natural preservative.


Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Natural preservatives; Protein extraction; Shrimp preservation; Total viable count

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