Food Engineering and Technology Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai-400009.
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This deals to study the effect of different underutilized, cheap and readily available flours from rice, sorghum, unripe banana, water chestnut and moong and their mixtures on dough, flatbread and sensory characteristic of gluten free flatbread. D-optimal mixture design approach was utilized for the study. Dough stickiness decreased with increasing concentration of unripe banana and sorghum flour. Dough strength was positively influenced by rice and moong flour. Tear force values were higher at higher sorghum concentration. Higher levels of sorghum and rice tend to possess higher scores for sensory acceptability. Optimum dough and flatbread qualities were obtained with the optimized sample (Gluten free formulation) containing flours from rice (60%), sorghum (10%), unripe banana (5%), water chestnut (15%) and moong (10%). Model was found to be valid statistically. Further, this mix was compared with whole wheat flour for pasting and rheological properties and found to possess comparable properties.
Dough stickiness; Dough strength; Gluten free flatbread; Mixture design; Pasting properties; Tears force; Viscoelastic properties