Meena L Godhia1 and Neesah Patel2
1Department of Food And Nutrition, SVT College of Home Science, SNDT Women’s University, SNDT Vidyavihar,Juhu,Mumbai 400049, India
2Post-Graduate Diploma in Clinical Nutrition And Dietetics, SVT college of Home Science, SNDT Women’s University, SNDT Vidyavihar, Juhu, Mumbai 400049, India.
Colostrumis ‘the first milk secreted at the time of parturition, differing from the milk secreted later, by containing more lactalbumin and lactoprotein, and also being rich in antibodies that confer passive immunity to the newborn, also called “foremilk”. Human Colostrum (HC) and Bovine Colostrum (BC) are rich in protein, immunoglobulin, lactoferrin and growth factors. Recent studies suggest that colostrum components, immunoglobulin and growth factor benefits physically active personandin treatment of autoimmune disorders.It isused for the treatment of a wide variety of gastrointestinal conditions, including non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drug–induced gut injury, H pylori infection,immunedeficiency related diarrhea as well as infective diarrhea. This review explores the current knowledge on the beneficial effect of colostrum supplementation in the above condition.
human colostrum,bovine colostrum,growth factors,immunoglobulin,immune factors