Vira Putri Yarlina1*, Fakhira Nabilah1, Zaida1, Siti Nurhasanah1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
1Department of Food Industrial Technology, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia.
2Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.
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The fermentation of Jack bean tempeh, a method that markedly improves its nutritional content, is of considerable significance. The intricate constituents of the Jack bean are altered by microbes, specifically the Rhizopus oligosporus mold. The duration of fermentation plays a crucial role in altering the pH value, water content, protein content, protease activity, and the degree of hydrolysis in tempeh products. This study, which aimed to determine the optimal fermentation time of Jack bean tempeh, is a significant contribution to the field. The research was conducted using experimental Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) analysis methods. Tempeh was fermented for 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 hours and wrapped in Plastic Polypropylene (PP). The results, which revealed that the Jack bean tempeh fermentation time of 48 hours was optimal, underscore the significance of this research. This was supported by the value of protease activity, which reached the optimal point of 34.64±0.16 units/g, followed by a pH value of 7.8, water content of 58.92%±0.06, protein content of 35.59%±0.75, and degree of hydrolysis was 1.83%.
Fermentation; Jack Beans; Mold; Rhizopus oligosporus; Tempeh